
SMS Service Details and Privacy Notice

SMS Service Details and Privacy Notice

MedAdvisor is passionate about improving the way medications are managed, to help people feel more in control of their health.

Your pharmacy has elected to use MedAdvisor’s pharmacy SMS service.

This page explains how MedAdvisor’s SMS service works and what types of SMS messages you may receive from your pharmacy as part of this service. This is a free service to you; you won’t be charged for using this service and you can unsubscribe/opt-out at any time.

The types of SMS messages you might receive from your pharmacy include:

  • reminders when your repeat prescriptions are due;
  • reminders when you need to visit your doctor for a new prescription;
  • messages to inform you that your ordered medication is ready to collect;
  • messages related to clinical or medication matters (if your pharmacy considers this necessary or appropriate);
  • invitations to participate in digital health information services;
  • appointment reminders and information; and
  • offers and promotions from the pharmacy.

How to unsubscribe:
You can choose to opt out of the SMS service at any time by replying STOP to any related text message. Your pharmacist will then process your request. This may take up to 5 days to action. You can also contact your pharmacy directly to opt you out from the service or change your communication preferences. If you are registered with multiple pharmacies, you will need to opt out from each pharmacy separately. If you have received an SMS message in error, please contact your pharmacy or reply STOP to the message.

How to contact us:
The SMS service is provided by MedAdvisor International Pty Ltd (ABN 40 161 366 589). If you require any technical assistance, you are welcome to contact MedAdvisor at For any pharmacist related queries, please contact your pharmacy directly.

Privacy notice:
We (MedAdvisor) provide the technology services that your MedAdvisor network pharmacy uses to send SMS messages as part of this service.

Your pharmacy provides us with your name, phone number and certain information about your prescribed medications and dispensing records. We store this information and use it to send you the types of SMS messages selected by the pharmacy. We use the information about your prescribed medications and dispensing records to ensure that the SMS messages you receive contain the correct and relevant information about your prescriptions, medications and orders. If we don’t collect this information from your pharmacy, we will not be able to provide the SMS service.

We may use third party service providers (such as telecommunications service providers) to send the SMS messages. We do not generally disclose personal information to recipients located outside Australia.

The MedAdvisor Privacy Policy ( provides a more detailed description of how we store, handle and use personal information. It also explains how you can seek to access or correct any personal information MedAdvisor holds about you, how to complain about a privacy breach and how MedAdvisor will deal with any privacy complaint. You can contact us with any privacy queries at:

Last updated: November 2022.