
"Using technology to manage my medications has made an amazing difference"

June 29, 2017

Technology has revolutionised the way we manage our life. From a tiny computer in our pocket, we are just a few clicks away from managing our finances, ordering a taxi, booking a flight or having dinner delivered to our door. The smart phone has made it easier and faster to do just about anything, including now managing our medications.

At 71 years of age, Victorian resident Neil Ross, uses his smartphone to manage his medications and says he has never felt more in control about his health.

“Using technology to manage my medications has made an amazing difference. I have multiple medical issues, including glaucoma, and I have to take several different medications a day. Keeping track of when I need to take them, how often and when I need to re-order is quite a complicated process.”

Since using a free app called MedAdvisor, Neil has been able to take the confusion and worry out of managing his medication. “I was told about MedAdvisor by my local pharmacy and I am so thankful. MedAdvisor is an incredibly useful and clever piece of technology.”

MedAdvisor connects users to their favourite pharmacy and provides a real-time list of medications that have been dispensed. Neil can easily view how many days’ supply or repeats he has left and receives reminders when it’s time to take his medications and if he’s running low on tablets or prescriptions. He can also pre-order his medication with a simple tap so when he arrives at the pharmacy he doesn’t need to wait.

“MedAdvisor gives me the ability and confidence to easily manage my medications. I travel a lot and I need ready access to what I am taking. I especially appreciate the ability to order and collect my medications at a time when it suits me.”

Since launching in 2014, over 800,00 Australians are now using MedAdvisor on their phones to track and order their medications. Users can also use the latest feature, GP Link, to connect with their regular doctor to order script renewals without an appointment.

MedAdvisor’s CEO, Robert Read says, “Our goal is to put health back into the hands of patients so they can feel in control. Through the MedAdvisor app we are helping users to manage their medications in a smarter, faster and simpler way compared to ever before.”

This is certainly true for Neil, who says, “It’s a brilliant concept. I don’t know what I would do without it and I don’t know who wouldn’t want to use it.”

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