
"MedAdvisor has taken the confusion out of medications."

November 22, 2017

Written by Nola, MedAdvisor User. 

For the past few years, I have been managing my husband’s medications through MedAdvisor. He lives with multiple conditions, including fibromyalgia, reflux, sleep apnoea and he also has hearing aids which gives him problems with his ears.

On any given day, my husband Geoff, takes seven different medications at morning and night; and he also uses creams and eye-drops.

Prior to MedAdvisor, Geoff was managing his own medications but often he would not realise a script had run out, and he’d be without. It would be quite dangerous if he was to run out of certain medications so when I heard about MedAdvisor, it seemed like a great solution to ensure he had a continuous supply.

With MedAdvisor, I can be reminded of when Geoff’s scripts are running out, so we can make an appointment with our doctor. I can also be reminded of when I need to visit the chemist and order his medications in advance which makes for a quicker trip.

It’s also been useful when seeing a doctor or specialist because I’m often asked about what other medications Geoff is on. Those appointments are confusing enough because you’re talking about all sorts of things so it can be difficult to try and remember the exact medications and the dosages. I’ve referred to MedAdvisor several times during these instances and have been able to show the specialist his medications on my phone.

MedAdvisor has helped to take the confusion out of medications. It has made it easier to understand dosage instructions, know when medications are due and I no longer have to count his medication supply within my hands.

I really suggest that if anyone is currently taking medications or looking after someone who is taking medications – to seek MedAdvisor out. I’ve found it so easy to use and if I can use it, anyone can.

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