
"This is the first job that I can talk to anyone."

December 19, 2017

At MedAdvisor, we are extremely fortunate to have a number of amazing individuals who relentlessly innovate every day to improve convenience and access to healthcare through the technology we create.

Today, we shine the spotlight on our Senior Developer, Tommy Nguyen, otherwise known as the unbeatable badminton champion.

What attracted you to apply for a role at MedAdvisor?

I was searching for a role that would allow me to study and upskill. For me, that’s really important. I want to know that when I go to work every day, I’m going to have the ability to learn something new.

I was very happy when I came across MedAdvisor on LinkedIn because it looked like they allowed employees to upskill and MedAdvisor was a perfect match for my skills.

What was the interview process like?

I had 4 interviews in total. The first one was with the CTO, David Chatterton, for a phone interview; which was then followed by a technical interview, a behaviour intelligence test and a final meet and greet with the Senior Lead Developer, Craig Schnuriger.

Sounds like you blitzed it! Were you thrilled when you got the job?

I was very happy. MedAdvisor seemed like a great fit for me.

You’ve been at MedAdvisor for just on 3 months now. How were the first few weeks?

It was interesting because I came in at a time when they were changing the process of how they do things. I was lucky to go to through a lot of the agile training that was being put into place, which I had known a little bit about before, but not a lot. I find the agile method so interesting because it changes the way you build software.

And how is the team at Medadvisor?

In general, everyone is very friendly. It’s actually the first job that I can talk to anyone.


Yes. The usual stereotype for a tech guy is that they sit in a corner, working on their computer and don’t talk to anyone. It’s not like that here at all, it’s so easy to go and talk to someone. It’s also much more productive because when I have a question, I can just go and find out the answer straight away, rather than waiting for a response via email.

What’s surprised you most about working at MedAdvisor?

Firstly, the amount of training I can go and do to improve. At the moment, we are allocated an hour every week to learn more about AWS which is something I’m really interested in.

Secondly, I haven’t played sport with anyone from work before. I am someone who is very active, so I’m glad I have found people who share the same interest. We play badminton every week and it gives me the opportunity to connect with my peers.

Thirdly, I’ve learned how to make coffee! I never used to drink coffee in the past because I didn’t know how to make it but there are so many good teachers here. My rule is I have to make one coffee a day, and if the coffee is not good, I still have to drink it.

Love it! Now that you’ve settled into your role, what are you working on at the moment?

Because we use the agile methodology, we work in 2-week blocks, otherwise known as sprints. The Development team is split up into two groups – one team is called Core and the other is R&D. I am a part of the R&D team which means my attention is focused on working to build new features. I can’t tell you what they are but I’m excited about all of them!

You’re keeping us intrigued! Before you get back to work, we’ve got a few final questions for you…

Describe MedAdvisor in 3 words? Exciting, challenging and can-do.
Favourite MedAdvisor feature? Snap-n-Send.
Favourite tech device? My iPhone. I can’t do any testing without it!
Three things you can’t live without? Family, my sport, and my goals.
Favourite saying? “Do what you have to do as quickly as you can, so you can do what you want to do as long as you can.”



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