
"It's the best feeling when a product goes live"

February 20, 2018

At MedAdvisor, we are extremely fortunate to have a number of amazing individuals who relentlessly innovate every day to improve convenience and access to healthcare through the technology we create.

Today, we shine the spotlight on our Software Tester, Anusha Putta.

What attracted you to join MedAdvisor? 

My family and I recently moved to Australia from India and as I was starting to look for a job here, I came across MedAdvisor. I’ve never worked in the healthcare industry but it has been an area that has interested me, so I was really excited when I saw that my skill sets matched the requirements.

Did you apply straight away then? 

Yes, I applied for it straight away!

What was the application process like?

I had a phone interview and then I was invited to come into the office for a technical and behavioural interview.  The technical interview was based on my previous experience and they also gave me a real page to test. 

I really liked it because I usually have had to imagine these types of scenarios in my head and then articulate how I would step through the process. It was great being able to show what I would do in real-time. 

So how did you find settling into a new role in a completely new country?

The first few weeks were spent learning the ropes but I think it went quite smoothly. Everyone around me was so helpful and positive.

The work culture here is also entirely different to my previous experiences. You are really encouraged to share your thoughts and speak up in any discussion.

Is that important to you?

Yes. It’s important because we are building something new and innovative. Ideas can come from anyone, regardless of their background or experience and they can provide a different perspective compared to someone who may have a wealth of knowledge in a particular area. It could have the potential to even change the product so it’s imperative that you can share your opinion if it will add value.

And what's the team like at MedAdvisor? 

I work in the R&D team and they are a bunch of incredibly talented people. We’re constantly having discussions on everything we are doing, sharing ideas and there is always fun around.

What’s the R&D team?

The R&D team is focused on researching new ideas and creating new features. It’s essentially idea generation and innovation which is a really interesting area to play in.

Absolutely! So, what does a typical day look like for you?

We divide our work into two-week sprints so the first week is mostly planning. You’re deciding how you’re going to achieve a project and it involves a lot of meetings. The second week is where I can begin to test what we have been building.

For my role, I am constantly imagining how an end user would use our product by putting myself in their shoes. Sometimes that can be challenging because we all behave in a unique way and I know the product in-and-out, but I have to look at it every time with fresh eyes and imagine what their journey would be.

What would be the most rewarding part of your work?

I think the best part is that I get to certify the quality of the product. QA is the one that signs off to say that the product is ready for production or able to be used by an end user.

When it goes live and thousands of people are using it, it’s the best feeling. Fingers crossed, there are no bugs!

It is a fantastic feeling! Now, before we let you get back to testing, we’ve got a few final questions for you…

Describe MedAdvisor in 3 words? Continuous learning, innovation, and fun.
Favourite MedAdvisor feature? Being able to book appointments for health services.
Favourite tech device? My iPhone. 
How many apps do you have on your phone? Umm...maybe 30?
Three things you can’t live without? My family, that's it. 
Favourite saying? “Be kind to one another." 

This post was written by Shae Iddles. Shae is a digital marketer, blogger and also slightly obsessed with anything related to health.


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